Dr. Ben Galyardt, Founder and CEO of
F8 Well Centers. 

This Weeks 
Exclusive Special


$377 - This Weeks 
Exclusive Special
37% savings

What is included??

✔️ New Patient Exam with the Doctor
✔️ Blood Work Included!!
✔️ Complete Review
✔️ Plus Dr. Ben Galyardt's bestselling ebook
 "Blood Sugar Doesn't Lie"

Dr. Ben Galyardt Featured In:  

What is included in the $377 Special?

✔️   New Patient Exam with the Doctor
✔️ Complete Review

✔️ Blood Work Included!!

✔️ Plus Dr. Ben Galyardt's bestselling ebook
 "Blood Sugar Doesn't Lie" 

Ready for Answers? 

 ✔️ Know without a doubt that your daily lifestyle decisions are keeping you on a path to longevity of both body and mind...

✔️ Fortify yourself against potentially deadly metabolic diseases like Alzheimer's, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, and more...

✔️ Finally get answers to the questions that have plagued you for years about your other chronic aches, pains, and conditions.

✔️ And much, much more!

✔️ New Patient Exam with the Doctor
✔️ Brain Mapping
✔️ Report of Findings Appointment
 (Where we go over your blood work results)
✔️ Blood Work Included!!
✔️ Plus Dr. Ben Galyardt's bestselling ebook
 "Blood Sugar Doesn't Lie"

If you want to completely restore and optimize your health, then . . . 

"Dr. Galyardt wanted to find the root cause, decrease inflammation, feed the body whole heathy foods and gave quality vitamins along with diet, exercise and smoking cessation. I learned so much working with him so listening to Dr. Galyardt. Our society needs more of this!"

At F8 Well Centers, we take a totally different approach to treating symptoms...

Instead of simply prescribing medication to blunt your symptoms, we look deeper at the root causes of your health challenges to lay out a personal road map to your recovery.

We use a data driven approach, based on personal testing, to determine the specific healing protocols that will work the best for your body’s unique and individual health needs, rather than just masking symptoms. 

Are You Experiencing Any of The Following?

Are You Experiencing 
Any of 
The Following?

✅ Anxiety or Depression

✅ Brain Fog, Trouble Concentrating

✅ Constant Hunger / Sugar Cravings

✅ Insomnia or Chronic Fatigue

✅ Irritability & Moodiness
✅ Excess Belly Fat

✅ Loss of Hair

✅ Uncontrollable Trembling

✅ Weight Fluctuation or Obesity

✅ Constant Thirst
✅ Frequent Headaches

✅ Pale Skin or Excess Sweating

✅ Abdominal Pain

✅ Dizziness or Confusion

✅ Racing Pulse

How We Can Help 

F8 Well Centers takes a unique approach to Functional Medicine by looking deeply at the underlying issues creating chronic health conditions and treating the brain along with the body.

Traditional medicine often treats just the symptoms and masks them with drugs or surgery.

The practitioners at F8 instead utilize a form of care known as The Galyardt Method. This method focuses on finding the root cause and underlying imbalances then treating what we find rather than treating the "diagnosis".

So if the conventional approach of "taking a pill for an ill" hasn’t worked for you and you are looking for a safe, holistic, and effective way to reclaim health and quality of life -- instead of simply blunting symptoms...

F8 Well Centers might be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Remember, we only have a limited number of sessions available.

Secure your spot soon before we're fully booked and have to take this offer down! 

Ready To Balance Your Body Naturally?

Eliminate the cause of brain fog & fatigue, end chronic pain,  inflammation, stabilize your mood, and finally lose stubborn weight  

More About Dr. Ben Galyardt 

For over 20 years, I've been helping thousands of patients overcome chronic, debilitating symptoms and diseases...

I've seen people make recoveries you could call "miraculous"...

But the first Functional Medicine Miracle I ever witnessed – the one that set me on this path in life, in fact...

Was my own mother.

Growing up, my parents always stressed the importance of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle...

So it was a shock to all of us when, during my Junior Year of High School, my mom collapsed in the middle of my football game... and had to be carried to the emergency room.

For months after, there were what seemed like hundreds of doctor visits and tests...

She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain and between the brain and body.

Following the traditional medical route for treating the disease, she was prescribed every drug available... and it barely made a difference.
For a while, she resigned herself to walking with cane and shopping in an electric grocery cart.

But eventually she realized she needed something more than medication...

She started exploring alternative treatments, and that's when my mom decided to see a Functional Medicine doctor.

It changed her life.

She became empowered to take an active role in learning about her body and its ability to heal itself...

And using the Functional Medicine methods, by the time she took her last MRI, the results showed zero plaque left on the spine or brain.

The Neurologist was flabbergasted. He couldn't comprehend how her body had stopped the damage, and reversed the scarring in her brain.

Now my mom is able to do everything she loves... she can shop, fish, hike and take care of her 7 grandchildren -- and without ANY of the mainstream medications prescribed for MS!

Seeing my mom's descent into disease under the guidance of conventional medicine... and her amazing recovery following the Function Medicine approach, the truth was plain to see:

We have ALL have the power to heal ourselves from the inside out, when we look at our body and its state of health as a whole.

Because THAT's what Functional Medicine is -- the art of using the latest in genetic science and systems biology, and understanding how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of diseases...

To prescribe safe, natural, and holistic ways to empower the body to function at its best.

I've been hooked on learning more about Functional Medicine ever since my mom started seeing her doctor... and I've devoted my life to putting this approach into practice, and sharing as much knowledge as I can...

Which is why, in 2004, I opened the doors of the first F8 Well Center in Fort Collins, Colorado -- where we use everything from advanced blood work analysis, to measuring brain wave activity, and more -- in order to identify exactly where the imbalances 
in the body are, and how to treat them.
Hi, my name is Dr. Ben Galyardt.

For over 20 years, I've been helping thousands of patients overcome chronic, debilitating symptoms and diseases...

I've seen people make recoveries you could call "miraculous"...

But the first Functional Medicine Miracle I ever witnessed – the one that set me on this path in life, in fact...

Was my own mother.

Growing up, my parents always stressed the importance of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle...

So it was a shock to all of us when, during my Junior Year of High School, my mom collapsed in the middle of my football game... and had to be carried to the emergency room.

For months after, there were what seemed like hundreds of doctor visits and tests...

She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain and between the brain and body.

Following the traditional medical route for treating the disease, she was prescribed every drug available... and it barely made a difference.
For a while, she resigned herself to walking with cane and shopping in an electric grocery cart.

But eventually she realized she needed something more than medication...

She started exploring alternative treatments, and that's when my mom decided to see a Functional Medicine doctor.

It changed her life.

She became empowered to take an active role in learning about her body and its ability to heal itself...

And using the Functional Medicine methods, by the time she took her last MRI, the results showed zero plaque left on the spine or brain.

The Neurologist was flabbergasted. He couldn't comprehend how her body had stopped the damage, and reversed the scarring in her brain.

Now my mom is able to do everything she loves... she can shop, fish, hike and take care of her 7 grandchildren -- and without ANY of the mainstream medications prescribed for MS!

Seeing my mom's descent into disease under the guidance of conventional medicine... and her amazing recovery following the Function Medicine approach, the truth was plain to see:

We have ALL have the power to heal ourselves from the inside out, when we look at our body and its state of health as a whole.

Because THAT's what Functional Medicine is -- the art of using the latest in genetic science and systems biology, and understanding how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of diseases...

To prescribe safe, natural, and holistic ways to empower the body to function at its best.

I've been hooked on learning more about Functional Medicine ever since my mom started seeing her doctor... and I've devoted my life to putting this approach into practice, and sharing as much knowledge as I can...

Which is why, in 2004, I opened the doors of the first F8 Well Center in Fort Collins, Colorado -- where we use everything from advanced blood work analysis, to measuring brain wave activity, and more -- in order to identify exactly where the imbalances 
in the body are, and how to treat them.

Julie Gaukel


"I contacted Dr. Ben after hearing a radio ad. I had been plagued with extreme fatigue (sleeping 4 hours in the afternoon each day), mood swings, inability to lose weight even exercising 6 days a week, brain fog, loss of memory, horrible sleep patterns, and intense chronic pain.

After doing my blood work and brain mapping, we came up with a plan that he and my nutritionist, Amy, helped me implement. I was what most would consider healthy...making all the right food choices and staying active. But I soon discovered that they weren’t right for MY body.

After reading his book, “Blood Sugars Doesn’t Lie” and regularly checking my blood glucose levels, I realized that certain food choices were casing extreme inflammation that led to the horrible joint pain and imbalances in my body.

After following his protocol for the last 3 months, my life has completely changed. No more 4 hour daily naps, no more brain fog, no more chronic pain, I’m sleeping so good, I’ve lost weight because I lost the inflammation, and my mood has stabilized. My only regret is not finding Dr. Ben and his staff sooner. I highly recommend them."
"I have been so incredibly pleased with my experience at F8 Well Center and with the results of the program! I was suffering from ongoing symptoms after a concussion in April 2021. After several months of fatigue, brain fog, irritability, anxiety, and depression, my neurologist at UC Health had nothing to offer me but an antidepressant medication. I am so thankful that I found F8 instead! (Thanks to my mom who encouraged me to look into them after seeing Dr. Ben’s videos online) 

Within a few weeks of starting the program, my symptoms started to ease, and after just a few months, I was finally back to normal... If you are struggling with ongoing symptoms - regardless of the cause - and you don’t feel like you are getting answers from a conventional Dr.’s office, I encourage you to give F8 a try! They gave me my life back, and I am so so grateful to them!" - Amanda Hoop

"When you are told “there’s nothing we can do to help you,” - it doesn’t mean you can’t be helped. It means that the practitioner telling you this has no tools in their toolbox to address your situation. If this is you, CALL DR. BEN!! 

I have been a client of Dr. Ben’s since his arrival in Fort Collins. He has been and continues to be a great help in keeping my body functioning well. He and his team are very knowledgeable and caring. Whether I need maintenance or help with a new issue, my first call is to the F8 Well Center of Fort Collins. " - Vicky Flint

"F8 Well Center is the best! Our family is soo glad we visited their office and have subsequently used Zoom or our phones to discuss what's going wrong inside our bodies. This is REAL MEDICINE not just treating the symptoms. 

Miracles happen here because people learn how to take charge of their own health with the help of Dr. Ben or Dr. Jake! Help is a call away! Do it!" - Linda Frye

"F8 Well Center is the best! Our family is soo glad we visited their office and have subsequently used Zoom or our phones to discuss what's going wrong inside our bodies. This is REAL MEDICINE not just treating the symptoms. 

Miracles happen here because people learn how to take charge of their own health with the help of Dr. Ben or Dr. Jake! Help is a call away! Do it!" 
- Linda Frye

"Life changing experience. The amount of care and attention for your specific concerns and needs are outstanding. Highly recommend." - Michelle Hoover

"Life changing experience. The amount of care and attention for your specific concerns and needs are outstanding. Highly recommend." 
- Michelle Hoover

"There are few words that I can come up with to describe how grateful that I am to have found this place. I was someone who was doing all of the right things in terms of working out, eating “right” and yet my body wasn’t responding anymore. It was easy to blame it on being in my 40’s but I refused to accept that.

 Coming to F8 and working with my wellness dream team has had such a major and positive impact on my life with their guidance in my journey to learn how to regulate my blood sugar and hormones to live a healthy and fulfilling life. The tools that I have learned at F8 are going to be with me for the rest of my life. 

Sure, I lost 24 lbs and had to buy new clothes, but the biggest win for me has been in my relationship with food and my understanding of my body and hormones. Thank you from the bottom of my heart F8."  - Joe Buckne

"Dr. Ben continually offers information that is designed not to give quick fixes, but to instill the knowledge in his patients and followers on how they can best care for their bodies at a foundational level. 

I’m so grateful for the information that he has shared not only with me, but multiple clients of mine. He is making a significant impact in the health of so many." - Carissa Konrad

"Doc Ben has totally changed me and my husband's lives. We always thought we were fairly healthy people, but we had the precursors to some pretty serious stuff going on. 

Without his help, we would have headed down a bad path and battled some nasty illnesses within 10-15 years. Thank you for putting us on the right path, Doc, and opening our eyes up to how important nutrition is!" - Leah Labonte

"Doc Ben has totally changed me and my husband's lives. We always thought we were fairly healthy people, but we had the precursors to some pretty serious stuff going on. 

Without his help, we would have headed down a bad path and battled some nasty illnesses within 10-15 years. Thank you for putting us on the right path, Doc, and opening our eyes up to how important nutrition is!" 
- Leah Labonte

"In less than 6 months I have regulated my blood sugar into the normal range, fixed some stomach issues and lost 30 lbs. Thanks to Dr. Ben and his guidance.I can't say enough about his staff and how they all work together with you to help and encourage you along the way. Than you!!!!" - Carol Ricker

"In less than 6 months I have regulated my blood sugar into the normal range, fixed some stomach issues and lost 30 lbs. Thanks to Dr. Ben and his guidance.I can't say enough about his staff and how they all work together with you to help and encourage you along the way. Than you!!!!"
  - Carol Ricker

"Our #1 priority is to help you overcome your greatest health challenges in the most effective and efficient way possible."
- Dr. Ben Galyardt

 Have Any Questions or Need Assistance?

Email us at f8support@f8wellcenters.com and we’ll be happy to help.
Copyright © 2022 F8 Well Centers LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2022 F8 Well Centers LLC. 
All Rights Reserved.
Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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